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Could robots soon be helping your content creation teams?

Will we ever see a future in which AI is capable of writing the Great American Novel? Or a chart-topping smash hit? Or a beautiful piece of art?
Admittedly, it’s more than a little unlikely that AI will reach the level of being able to mimic the intricacies of human art. You’ll have seen the science-fiction films that explore such topics, like the film Her, where Joaquin Phoenix falls in love with an AI (voiced by Scarlett Johansson), or the Black Mirror episode Be Right Back, where a grieving lover brings her partner back through an AI doppelganger. These play into the possibility of a future where human beings can fully interact with machines as if they are sentient beings.

Could robots soon be helping your content creation teams?

Strange as this might sound, the technology to build some version of this does already exist, in some form, in the context of Bidirectional Encoder Representations and the third-generation Generative Pre-Trained Transformer algorithms.

Or in human terms – BERT and GPT-3. You’ve probably already seen BERT in action – Google uses it to help improve its search engine results. BERT, for one thing, is part of the reason why you might see ‘search snippets’ in Google, or why you might be able to ask Google a direct question like ‘what’s the difference between cats and dogs?’ and get an immediate answer. GPT-3 is even more advanced, with self-teaching capabilities that means it can aid in writing masses of text. It has been used – amongst other things – to write pick-up lines for online dating, which are arguably better than most of what people have to put up with on Tinder. Like any new technology, GPT-3 does have its limitations – for all its capabilities, it can also produce some nonsense. BERT and GPT-3 are evidence of a new world of AI, which is able to ‘teach’ itself and improve its responses over time.

These technologies are all quite far away from being able to mimic something like a fully-formed human being. But artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing are all making steps towards making our day-to-day lives easier. AI has already been used to great aplomb in the eCommerce industry. When it comes to producing content for businesses – whether that’s copywriting, content marketing, or social media posts, AI is catching up to the demands we’re making of it – even if we won’t have AI writing ads for us quite a while yet, if ever.

Here at Jonckers, our WordsOnline platform has already seen us at the cutting edge of these self-learning technologies, building on past translations to improve future translation, without losing that human touch. Discover how we’re using our technology to bring the powers of AI and the human eye together.

We envision a future where artificial intelligence functions not as a potentially isolating tool (as it does for the protagonists of Her and Black Mirror), but a means of liberation, where language barriers are broken down – thanks in part to AI-assisted language services. More of our vision is further explained here.

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